Tensions and trust (case study)

The role of teachers in supporting young people to become involved in ‘campaigning’ youth social action

Research shows that schools can be fertile ground for encouraging youth social action, with an estimated 60 per cent of those who participate getting involved through their school or college (Knibbs et al., 2019). Yet when it comes to supporting young people to become involved in ‘campaigning’ youth social action (CYSA) specifically, teachers may question what their role can be and perhaps why they should be involved at all…

Tensions and trust (case study)

The role of teachers in supporting young people to become involved in ‘campaigning’ youth social action

Research shows that schools can be fertile ground for encouraging youth social action, with an estimated 60 per cent of those who participate getting involved through their school or college (Knibbs et al., 2019). Yet when it comes to supporting young people to become involved in ‘campaigning’ youth social action (CYSA) specifically, teachers may question what their role can be and perhaps why they should be involved at all…